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What is exercise?

What is exercise?

Exercise is activity to get strong and fit. It is doing physical things to get healthy, and to stay healthy.

Exercise can be really easy, like going for a walk. Going for a walk can be casual, like this person, taking their dog for a walk.

Or going for a walk can be more difficult. Consider this woman, for example. She is walking with dumbbells.

Exercise can also be a lot more difficult, like with this woman, for example. She is running really fast for exercise.

Swimming is another exercise people do to stay fit, or to “stay in shape.”

People also cycle for exercise. When people go cycling, they often exercise for many hours and ride great distances.

Inline skating is an exercise people do as well. They need a nice smooth road to do this, though.

But exercise is any physical activity people do for health. This woman, for example, is jumping for exercise.

And this man is lifting weights for exercise. He is doing the bench press, which helps his chest get strong.

And this woman is doing ab exercises. This activity helps her to get her core strong.

Yoga is an exercise that people do often to stay relaxed, flexible, and strong. Yoga doesn’t give you big muscles, but it does make them work hard!

Many people play games for exercise. These men, for example, are playing basketball for exercise.

This group is playing pickleball for exercise. Some people prefer activities and games with friends, rather than going to the gym or running.

There are many types of exercise, but the most important thing is that you stay in shape. Staying in shape is the best way to stay healthy.
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