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The Weather is Crazy!

The morning is starting just fine. The sunrise is nice, and it is sunny and warm enough for me to drink my coffee outside.

But when I look at my phone, it looks like the weather is going to change a lot today. The weather is going to be crazy.

Now it’s a little windy. The wind is blowing the grass a bit, but the weather is not that bad. At least it’s not raining.

Okay, now the clouds are coming in. This cloudy sky is making me think it is going to rain.

Now it’s raining. It is a good thing I have my umbrella to keep me dry!

And now there’s a lightning storm! Could this weather get any worse! I should put my umbrella away!

Now, it’s hailing! This is the craziest weather in my life!

Okay, it stopped, but there is still so much hail on the ground.

Oh finally! The storm is going away, and the sun is coming out. Maybe the crazy weather is finished. But maybe not…

There is a little bit of wind and it is becoming sunnier. I am pretty sure the crazy weather is gone.

The crazy weather is gone, and the sunset is beautiful. Today, there was a lot of different weather out. What a crazy time!
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