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Plaid Everyday

The pattern on this old man’s shirt is called “plaid.”

Traditionally, people work in plaid shirts when working with their hands, like when on the farm.

Farmers often wear wide-brimmed hats, jeans and plaid shirts when they work in the field.

Or they wear plaid when working in construction.

Or they wear plaid when riding horses.

Or they wear plaid when working in the shop.

But now, people wear plaid shirts when they are doing many things. They wear plaid shirts when camping in the woods.

And this man is wearing plaid in a family picture.

And this family is wearing plaid shirts on a casual day.

And other people wear plaid sports coats for office work. This plaid sports coat is considered business casual.

In Scotland, men wear plaid kilts and women wear plaid skirts.

And this family is even wearing plaid pajama pants.

It is safe to say that many people wear plaid in many different situations. This boy is wearing a plaid shirt at his beach birthday party.

Plaid shirts are very normal to wear in most situations.
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