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Hard Work Pays Off

Hard work and ability are both important when you are working. When you work hard, you can get a better job.

There is an old saying: hard work pays off. This means if you work hard, you will get what you want.

Whether you are moving heavy materials or not, working hard is the most important thing you can do when you are working.

Some jobs require hard work on the computer late at night. This woman uses coffee to stay up late, working hard.

Other jobs require hard work for many hours in a factory. This man has to work hard, but he also has to be careful with the power tools.

Hard work does not just start as an adult, no, hard work begins many years before that.

Many children have to work hard around their houses to learn how to work hard.

Another way children learn to work hard is from homework. They learn how to study and do homework, and that helps them work hard later in life.

As children get older, they have to continue to work hard, but for longer hours.

In the United States, many teenagers get jobs, and often those jobs are manual labor jobs. They have to work really hard in these jobs, and this helps them to learn hard work too.

Some students both work hard at their jobs, and also work hard at their school work. This makes them sleep well!

What a lot of students do in the summers is get jobs. These jobs often require a lot of hard work and not a lot of ability. This person is mowing the lawn. This is a common summer job for students.

Another common summer job is called “retail.” This means they need to work in stores to sell things.

Hard work is not easy. That is why it is called hard work. But if people want to have success in life, hard work is very important in every single job.
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