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My Day with Daddy

Mommy and Daddy spend a lot of time together. They are best friends, and so they love to be near each other.

And I love time with my family. We are a very happy family, so it’s nice to be together.

And I like the time with Mommy and my sister, too. It’s nice to have girl time.

But today, it’s just Daddy and I. Days with Daddy are so the best because we have so much fun, and it’s just me and Daddy.

On our days together, Daddy does my hair. Even though he is a boy, he is really good at it!

We paint our nails, too. Daddy doesn’t like colorful nails, but he lets me paint them.

But mostly, Daddy paints my nails. I choose the colors, and he paints them perfectly.

Daddy and I play games on his tablet, too. Daddy loves to play games with me.

We also cook and eat together. Today with daddy, we cooked really good food.

And we sometimes clean together, too. This is not very fun, but daddy tells me that cleaning is important.

I wish I could spend more time with Daddy, but he tells me he has to work, so that we can eat.

I love my time with Daddy, and I think he loves his time with me.
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