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The Need for Purpose

One thing that all people need in their lives is purpose.

Purpose is the reason for life. It is why people get out of bed in the morning.

If people don’t have purpose, they might be lazy all day and not do anything. Purpose makes people work hard.

And when people have purpose, they work a lot harder because they have a reason for the things they do.

But purpose is different for different people. Some people have religious purpose that pushes them to do big things.

And for some people, making money and becoming rich is their purpose.

And some people’s purpose is their family. They want their children to have a good life, so they work hard for that.

Still other people’s purpose is to help others. Seeing other people succeed gives them greater purpose.

Certainly, purpose is very different for different people. And some people have many different reasons for working hard.

But regardless of your reason, in order to live a healthy life, you have to have a purpose.

So, the next question is this: what is your purpose? And if you don’t have a purpose, how can you discover your purpose?
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