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Let's Explore Egypt

One place that a lot of people like to visit is Egypt.

Many people know Egypt for The Great Pyramids that were built thousands of years ago. These are the biggest ancient structures in Egypt.

People also know Egypt for another giant structure: this sphinx.

Often people find a guide who has camels to rent. They pay the guide and the guide takes them on a journey in the desert.

Then they arrive with their camels at the pyramids. The tourists are sure to take a lot of pictures.

Sometimes the tour guides take pictures too. The pyramids are magnificent, but they are not the only thing to see.

Many tourists go to Egypt to see things other than the pyramids and sphinx. There are so many interesting things!

There are many other ancient things to see in Egypt apart from the pyramids. These columns are very old!

These ancient statues are thousands of years old and have a lot of history to explore.

And the symbols on the side of the wall are from a language that people don’t speak anymore.

And the symbols on the walls here are called hieroglyphics. Only Egyptologists, or people who study Ancient Egypt, can read them. If you want to, you can hire an Egyptologist guide.

The local Egyptian culture is also worth exploring. This woman is in the market where she can buy many Egyptian foods.

The market is a great place to buy special items in Egypt, like these purses.

At the market, tourists can also find many different delicious spices.

There are also beautiful fabrics to choose from at the market. They are very colorful and people from all over the world come to buy them.

There are also many active things that you can do in Egypt, like snorkel.

Many people buy a ticket on a boat tour of the Nile River. On a boat tour, they can see a lot in a little time.

Dirt bikes are available to rent. People go outside of the city on dirt bikes and have fun in the desert.

There are also ATV tours for people to go on. It is a lot of fun but very dusty!

People also paraglide in Egypt. It is very scary, but it is a lot of fun.

Egypt is a fun place to explore because there is something for everyone!
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