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Let's Go on a Cruise!

One way to see a lot of places in a little bit of time, is by taking a cruise.

Cruise ships can go to many places, including this cruise to the arctic. Arctic cruises bring people around beautiful icy views.

On arctic cruises, people can also see cool wildlife they cannot see in other parts of the world.

Cruises can also go to exotic European places, like Greece, for example.

Another place cruises can go is tropical areas. People can explore many different warm countries in a short time.

Some people like going on cruises because they need a romantic vacation.

And some people go on cruises to meet new people.

Other people go on cruises so they can explore new places.

Still other people like to go on cruises for the food. Most of the time, you can eat as much food as you want on cruises without paying extra.

One wonderful thing about cruises is that people can tour in many different places in short time. When the cruise stops at a port, they can get off and go explore.

At one port, you can go snorkeling and see some very interesting fishes.

At another port, people can go see a small town.

And still at another port, you can go take pictures of the sights.

There are some days, however, when people have to stay on the boat. What do these people do?

Some of them like to go swimming in the pool, or the hot tub.

Or they do some of the fun activities, like go on this waterslide, for example.

Or they like to lay in the sun and relax. This is the purpose of vacation, right?

Or at night they may go to the auditorium for some entertainment.

A cruise is a really great way to have a lot of fun in new places. There are cruises all over the world, and they bring people to new places to explore.
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