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My Amazon Adventure

In South America, the countries of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, French Guyana, Suriname, and Guyana all share a very special forest.

This place is called the Amazon Rainforest. It has many different animals and plants, and it is a wonderful place to explore.

This rainforest is the biggest and most diverse rainforest in the world.

There are many ways to travel in the Amazon Rainforest, but boat is very common.

Because there is a very large river in the Amazon called, “The Amazon River,” many people use it to travel.

This is a traditional Amazonian boat that many local people use.

And this is a boat that many people use to travel long distances. Some people use this boat to travel hundreds of kilometers.

But you have to be careful in the Amazon River because there are piranhas. These fish are very dangerous because they have really sharp teeth.

Another reason to be careful in the Amazon River is the alligators. They look scary, and they are scary.

Another animal in the Amazon River are the dolphins. They are not dangerous, and many people go to the Amazon to see them. They are special because they are pink in color.

When we went to the Amazon Jungle, we asked a guide to show us the different plants and animals in the rainforest.

Our guide showed us that, way up in the trees, there was a lot to see.

Up in the trees of the Amazon are many animals. One unique animal that many like to see is the sloth. Sloths are very slow, but they always look happy.

Another animal that likes to climb in the trees of the Amazon is the monkey. The monkeys often hide from people, but sometimes they are very curious.

One dangerous Amazonian animal that climbs in the trees is the jaguar. Most tourists to the Amazon jungle don’t see jaguars.

Our guide also showed us local food, too and how to prepare it.

The Amazon Rainforest was a very fun trip and we saw and learned a lot.

There are a few cities in the Amazon rainforest like this one. When we went, we finished here in Iquitos, Peru.

The Amazon is a beautiful place to visit with all of the plants and animals, and the sunsets are beautiful too.
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