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Does Technology Isolate or Connect?

Does technology isolate people or connect them together?

In this case, it seems like technology isolates. This woman is sitting alone, shopping by herself with her VR headset.

But these people seem to be connecting with the use of technology.

Today, many people sit with each other, but instead of talking, they use their phones.

This family, for example, seems more isolated than connected. They are all on their phones, even though they are sitting together.

But this man is using technology to connect with people who aren’t with him.

Maddy is alone, playing video games in the dark, but is she really isolated?

Or is she connecting with other people by playing video games with them online?

She has many friends she talks with and plays video games with. Paul, for example, is a good friend who she has played with for many years.

And Gabrielle is a new friend, but they talk a lot about life and video games. So, are they connected or isolated?

Consider Judy. She loves to take the bus and listen to her music and text with her friends. There are many people around her, but she never talks with them. Is she more isolated or connected?

Also consider this group of friends. They love to get together and talk and connect with each other. When they aren’t using their phones, they talk a lot about their lives.

But later, when they take out their phones, they don’t talk to each other at all. Does technology isolate them in this example?

People use technology to make life better, but does technology actually make life better?

Maybe that question depends on how people use it. Do you think technology isolates or connects?
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