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Switches, Buttons, and Dials

This is a button.

And so are all of these. All of these are buttons.

Some buttons are simple, like this one that is used in an emergency.

And some buttons are complicated, like all of these in this airplane cockpit.

There are many buttons on this boom box. Buttons are things we can push to turn things on.

We also use buttons to turn things off.

And some buttons are used to turn things on or off.

This is a switch. Switches do the same things, but they look different.

Switches are used to turn things on or off. But what if I want to do something different?

What if I wanted to change something gradual, like the volume of something? I could use a dial.

Or I could use a dial to change something like temperature.

Old machines often have all three: switches, buttons, and dials.

But newer machines have touch screens.

The only question left is, what is next? What will come after switches, buttons, and dials?
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