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Bea's Farm
This woman’s name was Bea, and this was her farm. Bea loved her farm because of all of the space she had to move around, but she also loved it because of her animals.
Every animal on her farm had a purpose, and she took care of them all. They were the best part of her farm, but they required a lot of work!
And thank God she had her husband. If they didn’t work together, she would never have been able to keep up with all of the work on her farm.
The first thing they had to do in the morning was to milk the cows. If they didn’t milk the cows, they could’ve gotten hurt.
The next thing they had to do was to get the eggs from the chickens. Everyday, the chickens produced many eggs for them to sell.
After she collected the eggs and got the milk, she called the store manager to sell it. He sent a truck to pick it all up and bring it to the store.
And then they had to feed the sheep. The sheep ate a lot of hay, so they had to make sure to do this every morning.
They also had to feed the pigs every day. They had to feed them a lot of grain so they got big. Big pigs meant a lot of meat.
The cows ate grain too, and when they ate a lot, Bea got more milk.
They also had to feed the dogs. Dogs were an important part of her farm because they protected Bea, her husband, and the animals.
One animal on Bea’s farm she had to feed was the cat. When she fed the cat, it caught the mice around the farm.
And after taking care of all the animals on the farm every morning, they still had more to do, but they felt very satisfied. There were many chores to do on the farm, and caring for the animals was the most important.
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