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Farms all Over the World

This is a farm in the United States, but really, farms all over the world are very similar.

And farms all over the world are similar because they have a lot of the same jobs that have to be done.

For example, farms in every country have chickens, and those chickens have to eat. So someone has to give them food.

And people all over the world eat chicken eggs, so someone has to get them. This job is very similar in farms all over the world.

Something else that is common in many different countries is called, “livestock.” Animals that are livestock are pigs, cows, goats, and sheep.

People all over the world have livestock in their farms, and it is always important to feed them. While feeding and cleaning after livestock is very important, it is also very dirty.


Some jobs on farms only come one time per year, like sheering sheep. People raise sheep for their wool to make clothes, so sheering sheep is an important job, too.

Another job that is done one time per year is plowing fields, so farmers can plant crops. It takes a long time, and it is very important for growing crops.

Plowing is important because eventually, farmers want their crops to grow, so they can prepare them and take them to a market.

So when it’s ready, farmers take their crops to the market to sell them . People sell produce from farms all over the world, and other people buy them to eat them.

Yes, in some ways, farms look different all over the world, but in reality, they have many of the same jobs, and this is why farmers have a lot in common.
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