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Monkeys and Children

Most people look at this tree and they think it is beautiful. They see a big thick trunk, and long, strong branches.

But children think differently. They look at the tree and are excited.

Children see a thick trunk and strong branches that will support them.

Monkeys see the same thing.

Both children and monkeys love trees because they like to climb them.

Children love to climb up high in the trees and sit in the branches

And so do monkeys. Monkeys are better at climbing than children are because they have more practice.

Many monkeys also have tails and feet that help them climb easier.

But many children have a strong desire to climb trees. They see a tree, and they climb as fast as they can.

They are always happy in a tree. They just have to be careful when they are climbing.

Sometimes children copy the way monkeys climb on trees. They hang upside down just like monkeys do.

Yes, monkeys and children are very similar. This is true in climbing and eating. Monkeys are very messy eaters.

And so are children.
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