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Scuba Diving
Scuba diving is fun!
There are four scuba divers in this group. They love to go out and explore animals under the water.
They swim together for safety. It is important to be with a friend if something bad happens. Today, they are exploring the water together.
They are going to see a lot of different animals. This is a wild turtle. They look at the turtle from a distance.
This scuba diver decides to get a little bit closer to the turtle. He doesn’t touch it, but he can get close.
They also see fishes of a lot of different colors. This makes scuba diving very interesting.
Another thing they see is the coral reefs. These look like rocks, but they are actually animals!
They also get to see an octopus. Octopuses have eight arms!
This manta ray is also a beautiful thing to watch from a distance. They can be dangerous for people.
This seal is a little bit social, but it can be dangerous as well. Be careful with seals. They can attack.
Sharks are something that you might not want to see when scuba diving. They can attack you, too!
Snakes are another type of animal that can attack. This is a snake that lives under the water!
Many scuba divers want to stay away from dangerous animals, so they swim near animals that aren’t dangerous, like these yellow fish.
Or this man, for example, swims near this red fish. Scuba divers sometimes bring a special camera for taking pictures.
Or they go swimming with many little fishes.
But not all little fishes are safe. These fish are called barracudas. Barracudas are very dangerous.
And this is why we always go scuba diving in a group. We swim in a group, and we are safe.
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