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Brianne, the Office Manager
Brianne is an office manager of a company that makes and sells books. This means she keeps the office organized while everyone is working.
But this is not all Brianne does. She also answers the phone. When people call in, she knows who they need to talk to.
Brianne also makes sure she writes important notes from conversations on the phone. When she finishes, she sends the notes to people who need them.
Brianne has to write a lot of emails to many people. She takes communication very seriously because that is a large part of her job.
When new people come in the door, she greets them and helps them as they need. Many times, they want to buy books, so she has to be very friendly.
Often, they need a lot of help, so she sits with them and does what is needed. Sometimes it takes a really long time!
This man wants to buy a lot of books from he company, so Brianne has to do many things for him. In this meeting, Brianne has to plan many other meetings with other people in the company.
She also has to show him all of the books that the company is selling. He wants to buy many books.
Another thing Brianne has to do is explain the books to the man. Because Brianne has a lot of experience, she has a lot of responsibility.
She has to listen, too. In order to communicate well with the company, she has to make sure that she understands the information needed before writing the emails.
At the end of the meeting, Brianne says “goodbye,” and tells the man that she is happy to do business. But, being the office manager, her job is not finished.
She has to write more emails to send out to other people in the company. Details are important in her emails, so she has to be very careful.
Brianne is very good at her job because she is careful. She makes sure things are organized and things and people work together.
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