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Do you like your job?

This group of friends loves to hang out at the cafe after work and talk. Today, they are talking about work.

“So Darwin, do you like being an electrician?”

“Kind of. Being an electrician is nice because it is interesting. I get to use cool tools and use complicated tools.”

“I also get to be a part of building houses. That part is really fun.”

“But mostly I work alone. I like having co-workers. How about you? Do you like your job as a website builder? I know you work alone too.”

“I love my job! I mean, sometimes I get bored being on my computer all of the time, but I can work where I want.”

“When you all leave, I will stay here and keep working for a few hours in this cafe.”

“And what about you, Ashley? You’re a real estate agent. Is that something you want to do for a long time?”

“Of course I want to do that for a long time! My job is great! I love to talk to people, and that is what I do all day!”
“You do love to talk to people!”
“You do love to talk to people!”

“Plus, I get to sell houses. Tim, can you show the pictures of the houses I am selling?”

“Yeah, I can show them. Look at these houses that Ashley is selling! They look so fancy!”

“Thank you, Tim! But, the pictures are wonderful too. Tim always takes the pictures of the houses I sell.”

“Wow, those are good pictures! You are a great photographer, Tim!”

“Thanks, guys. After 15 years of working, I am very proud of my work.”
“Wow! That is a long time to work. Do you like your job?
“Wow! That is a long time to work. Do you like your job?

“Being a photographer is nice. I like how I get to decide where to take pictures. Sometimes, I go to the beach to take pictures.”

“And sometimes I work in a studio with lights and models and a lot of equipment.”

“But to be honest, it would be nice to work in an office for eight hours per day. I mostly like my job, though.”

“But you still have us, right?”
“Yeah. I still have you guys! We always have great times!”
“Yeah. I still have you guys! We always have great times!”
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